“God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart. When you are so weak that you cannot do much more than cry, you coin diamonds with both your eyes. The sweetest prayers God ever hears are the groans and sighs of those who have no hope in anything but his love.” Charles Spurgeon

Whatever God demands of us is always a blessing:

Bill Muehlenberg of CultureWatch writes: “I recall once having a boss who was giving me a hard time, and I said to him, ‘Why are you making things so hard on me?’ – or words to that effect. In this world we will have bosses and others who will make things quite miserable for us. But our heavenly Father is never intentionally mean or nasty.

God has a heart-full of love for his own, and whatever he does to us or asks of us comes from a never-ending supply of divine love. As my former American pastor used to say, ‘God is too loving to be unkind, and too wise to make a mistake.’ He may have been following Spurgeon here on this, who may have been following others.

But that statement is 100% accurate. And yet, it may SEEM that God is sometimes being unloving or harsh or cruel or mean. Sometimes it may seem that what he allows us to go through or what he asks of us is rather mean-spirited and hard-hearted. But it is not.”

Continue reading https://billmuehlenberg.com/2022/09/15/the-hard-sayings-of-scripture-yes-we-can-fully-trust-god/

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