Why was the term anti-vaxxer so capable of driving people to take a dodgy medical experiment and harrass people who questioned it?

For the same reason that the term racist got people to deny their national identity and allow their nations and national industries to be given to foreigners. 

Or the reason that being called a misogynist or sexist convinced men to send their wives to work and sign their daughters up to combat roles in the army, or police force.  

Or the reason the term homophobe or transphobe stops people from protesting against evil stuff being taught to kids in school, and in TV shows. 

People fear disapproval of the group more than evil itself. They would rather let genuine evil function around them, than be socially disapproved of. I think this is partially trained into people school, but partially instinctive for people. 

Either way, if you care more about being called a bad word, than confronting genuine evil, then evil barely has to try to defeat you. All it has to do is speak a word and you cower. And it does and people often do. 

We live in a day that mocks the era of people believing in witches and warlocks, who said words have magical power, and yet people are immobilised by the barest voicing of a single word. Think about that. 

Sorcery is real, witchcraft is real, and while the supernatural realm does exist, you don’t even need to go there to prove the power of sorcery. Witchcraft is dependent on special words being recited precisely to get power over others. All those made up attack words above, grant the speaker that very kind of power over the weak of mind and spirit. 

What leg do you have to stand on to mock the “superstition” of earlier days, if made up words can break you, and cause you to cower? Witchcraft is real, and you see it’s effect on people in everyday life, in the office, at school, in the media, all over the place. People with evil intent can break other people with a word. What else do you call that, other than sorcery? 

The reason people caved so thoroughly is because in a real and genuine way, a spell was cast and they were caught in its power. After all, only a terrible person would give aid and comfort to even the idea of anti-vax sentiment…or so people were conditioned to believe anyway. When that conditioning was required to be triggered to achieve a goal, fear was used to weaken peoples resolve and our society snapped into line and the spell was cast. 

That’s why so many people caved and harrased others. It’s simple really. Witchcraft is real.

Source https://younggospelminister.blogspot.com/2022/10/witchcraft-is-real.html

Reverend Matthew Littlefield is the pastor of New Beith Baptist Church. He is an ordained Minister in the Baptist Union of Queensland. Matthew has a Masters in Theology.

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