For the Sake of Christ and His Church. Read on to sign The Frankfurt Declaration now.

Pastors and ministries from multiple continents are signing the document meant to serve as a prophetic witness against the rise of global authoritarianism manifested over the past two years. The message of the declaration and its signatories is straightforward: Christianity provides the moral framework and spiritual authority by which mankind may rightly reject the abuse of power.

John MacArthur (California) said human authorities have, “always tended to view Christ as an adversary and an inconvenience.” James White (Arizona) said, “the myth of neutrality” has caused evangelicals to forget there is a power higher than the state…A consistent Christian understanding of the world begins with a recognition of God’s creatorship and the fact that all of existence, universally, is defined by His purposes, His law, His final glory. There is no neutral fact, for if it is a fact, God made it to be such.”

For full coverage and details on how you can support the Frankfurt Declaration watch Armor of Truth LIVE #195 and check the video description. 

Sign The Frankfurt Declaration

1 Peter 2:17 “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”

Armor of Truth

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