These days, the term “waking up” has become synonymous with salvation. Truth is sold to the masses like brands of potato chips. Unfortunately, Christianity is likewise marketed to unsuspecting seekers by some who don’t know better, and some who aim to deceive. It’s common to read or hear claims online that if you go to church on Sunday, you have been duped into worshiping the Sun. Or that if you go to an organized church at all, you are deceived by the Spirit of Religion, that Jesus would not go to church. What does God’s word say about this? There are certainly false churches, false prophets, and sincerely deceived seekers. But it does not follow to say that because false expressions of Christianity exist, therefore, there is no true faith to be found. In this post, we analyze a popular Christian truther known as Probably Alexandra and demonstrate how her message does far more harm than good.

“Waking up” in the modern sense of suddenly becoming aware of good and evil factions in worldwide spiritual conflict is not salvation. I assure you, I have watched quite a lot of PA’s videos. I don’t critique or rebuke something I haven’t taken the time to understand well. I’ve been aware of her work for a few years. But what is more revealing is what she says on her website, mostly transcripts of the videos, but additional commentary as well. I don’t have any desire and there is no need for me to comment on her theories about the spiritual conflict between the major players on the national and world stage, although she claims special revelation from God to explain how she came into her knowledge. For the purpose of answering our critics who feel we’ve been unfair in our characterization of PA’s spiritual message, this post will focus only on her opinions and proclamations about Christianity, her treatment of God’s word, her criticisms of His church, and I will demonstrate how, whether intentional or not, she is doing much more harm than good.

On her website she writes:

“I’m a Christian because I follow Jesus (Yahusha HaMashiach)”

Not all professions of “belief” are saving faith. Matthew 7:21-23. No person has been made a Christian by profession of being a follower of Jesus. A Christian is one who has been saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone. Professing to follow Jesus is not the same thing as God sovereignly and divinely acting to make a person a new creature in Christ and filling and sealing them with the Holy Spirit. To understand salvation in the Biblical sense, the only sense in which salvation makes any sense, we must understand why we need a savior, what are we being saved from, who does the saving, and how? Got Questions,, offers a good understanding of salvation.

What are we saved from? In the Christian doctrine of salvation, we are saved from “wrath,” that is, from God’s judgment of sin (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 5:9). Our sin has separated us from God, and the consequence of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Biblical salvation refers to our deliverance from the consequence of sin and therefore involves the removal of sin.

Who does the saving? Only God can remove sin and deliver us from sin’s penalty (2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 3:5).  

How does God save? In the Christian doctrine of salvation, God has rescued us through Christ (John 3:17). Specifically, it was Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection that achieved our salvation (Romans 5:10; Ephesians 1:7). Scripture is clear that salvation is the gracious, undeserved gift of God (Ephesians 2:5, 8) and is only available through faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

How do we receive salvation? We are saved by faith. First, we must hear the gospel—the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection (Ephesians 1:13). Then, we must believe—fully trust the Lord Jesus (Romans 1:16). This involves repentance, a changing of mind about sin and Christ (Acts 3:19), and calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:9-10, 13).

A definition of the Christian doctrine of salvation would be “The deliverance, by the grace of God, from eternal punishment for sin which is granted to those who accept by faith God’s conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus.” Salvation is available in Jesus alone (John 14:6; Acts 4:12) and is dependent on God alone for provision, assurance, and security. This is what it means to be a Christian. A demon could say he follows Yahusha HaMashiach. A flower of Christ produces certain fruits and demonstrates a very specific change of heart. We’ll talk more about that later in this piece.

On her website she writes:
I do not follow religious teachings, doctrines of men, cults, groups, organizations, or individuals. I do not go to a church nor belong to any organization, group, or believe in any ‘-ism’ (i.e. Catholicism, Judaism, Gnosticism, Dispensationalism, Nationalism, etc.)

Question: Did Jesus follow religious teachings? He was a Jew who fulfilled the law perfectly. Jesus did not do away with religion, He instituted a new covenant with His own blood, a new covenant where salvation and deliverance from God’s just and righteous wrath is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. If one claims to follow Jesus Christ, that one has by definition a religion. What are the doctrines of men? More on that later. How do cults form? Cults typically form when individual claims to have received personal special revelation directly from God, and/or when a person claims to have a more pure spiritual system than the church that was established by Jesus Christ and detailed completely in the Book of Acts. What is the church and what has God said to His people about His church? We’ll cover that later as well.

As Christians, we are called to test the spirits, which means to evaluate and judge all truth claims about knowledge of God, salvation, and Christians living against the eternal word of God to see if what is being said is true. Not everyone who attaches a Bible verse to a statement, or claims to be guided by the Holy Spirit is speaking according to God’s will. Pastors and elders have the most important job, they have the highest calling in the world. They are the ones who God has called to shepherd and form the body of Christ. Jesus Christ Himself in the first 3 chapters of the Book of Revelation rebukes, exhorts, and commends seven real churches that existed according to how their leaders had performed. Jesus loves His church. The church is His bride and he gave His life for her. Do you think the church is important to Jesus? Has Jesus commanded us to avoid, or forsake His church and go out on our own solo spiritual journey of self-discovery? This idea is not Christianity and to claim to follow Jesus Christ, and in the same paragraph reject His church is a sign of spiritual immaturity at the least and outright spiritual rebellion at worst.

2 John 1 instructs believers that there is nothing courageous or admirable in a false Jesus. To deny the Biblical Jesus is always to reject the Father and the Son both. We must recognize and respond to modern denials of the Biblical Jesus just as the first believers in Christ did. It is more important than ever to know who the true Jesus is according to the Bible and to love and serve the true Jesus. To throw aside all of God’s commands about gathering with the saints according to His authority and on His terms, and to disregard the guidance, teaching, and accountability God has provided to the people He loves through submission to elders, and the shepherding of a faithful pastor is a sign of a rebellious heart, not a heart that is truly submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This is a person who does not know Jesus Christ but has constructed an idol to put in His place. Sadly, not uncommon. 

God does not reveal Himself to anyone according to their own terms. God reveals Himself to His creatures on His own terms only. To say that the open preaching of the gospel is not necessary (Romans 1;16-17), and that church membership is of no importance in a world where Christians a constantly persecuted and maligned is to be in unbelief. It is a sign of an unrepentant heart and a heart not submitted to the authority of Christ according to His terms. Theologian James Boice said, “There is a true progress in the Christian life, but it is progress based upon a deeper knowledge of the historical, biblical Christ. Progress on any other ground may be called progress, but it is a progress that leaves God behind and is, therefore, not progress at all.” 

When one who is not under the authority of Christ’s church makes claims about the faith and about the Bible, suggesting that the Bible must be supplemented by personal revelation to be properly understood, that is a sure sign that false doctrine is being put forth. 

Hebrews 10:25 strongly exhorts Christians to NOT forsake, disavow, or reject gathering together, especially in these last days. The church is God’s hands, mouth, and feet in this world. That is why we are called the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Christians are to be doing the things that Jesus Christ would do if He were here physically on the earth. The church is to be “Christian,” “Christ-like,” and Christ-following. “Body” of Christ means together, the arms legs fingers, and toes working in sync as one. Nowhere does Jesus call us to go out alone and isolate ourselves into private religion to be individual, and autonomous. To reject Christ’s church is to reject Christ, whatever name you may prefer to use.

Many “private” (or inactive professing) Christians refer to Colossians 2:22 when they declare, “I do not follow the doctrines of men.” That sounds admirable. However, when one denounces as unnecessary the very commands of God and sets out on his or her own journey into private religion, that one is now following her own version of Christianity, a private interpretation with no foundation in Christ’s body, and under no authority from the ordained overseers of it. A personal and private faith apart from Christ’s authority and discipline is a doctrine of man.

Colossians 2 continues by explaining that such things might have the appearance of wisdom but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. PA has spoken of the evils of legalism. What is sadly ironic is that in her rejection of Christ’s command of obedience in John 14:15 et al. as legalism, she has created a law unto herself. In other words, she is a legalist who obeys her own law. Not surprising really. Like all sinners, she desires autonomy. She wants to make her own rules, and she believes that she can be her own authority. This is the condition of every person’s heart before God redeems it.

As she will learn eventually, autonomy, or her personal version of Christianity, has no value in restraining the indulgence of the flesh. There seems to be no real understanding of the internal battle between the Spirit and the flash that all believers experience. We never hear unbelievers mention this battle that Paul explains so passionately in Romans chapter 7.

Once understood properly from the eternal standard, it is unfortunately quite easy to see that this is the flesh feeding the flesh in a subtle but very powerful way. James Boice said, “In fact, the most rigorous asceticism can coexist with insufferable spiritual pride, one of the subtlest and most intractable of the ‘works of the flesh.’” Self-imposed religion is man reaching to God, trying to justify himself by keeping a list of rules. In this case, her own list of rules. Christianity is God reaching down to man in love through Christ. Sadly she has indulged in self-imposed religion, and her arms will never be long enough to reach God. So, as believers, saved by God’s grace, we must pray for her and others like her that God will sovereignly reach into her heart and set her on fire for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and give her a true love for His church where He can transform her gifts into fruits. 

Why am I doing this? What difference does it make if a YouTuber gets the gospel wrong? Why should I care?

Jesus’ half-brother, Jude, who had a front-row seat watching the first corruptors of the gospel in the first century, writes this under the inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit in Jude 3. He exhorts followers of Christ, “3 Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I was compelled to write to you urgently appealing that you fight strenuously for the defense of the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints, the faith that is the sum of Christian belief that was given verbally to believers.”

Jude warns sternly about dangerous practices and teachings that harm the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is a very serious matter when someone places herself in a position of authority speaking on spiritual matters and does harm to the gospel. Jude gives us a valuable warning for the last days.

Christianity is not a personal journey or a spiritual quest into self-discovery. Christianity has a creed. There is a body of unchanging, dogmatic teaching which is called “the faith.” It means that there is a coherent truth presented that must be believed. Scripture is not arbitrary and does not fluctuate according to changes in culture, or the speculations of men or women. For one to be indifferent to this static religious truth is truly foolish. For example, consider the study of mathematics, a discipline with static truths to be known and believed. Does it make any difference how sincere a person is when they say two plus two equals four? It makes no difference if that person affirms or rejects this transcendent, static truth. It remains true regardless of one’s sincerest opinions to the contrary.

The question we must ask in all these cases is, whether the opinions are correct, not whether the person giving them is sincere or devoted, or convincing. It is self-evident that truth, and what a person thinks to be truth may be very different things. Therefore, on the matter of Christian faith as revealed by God Himself, and the Gospel as the power of salvation to all who believe, should a faithful Christain treat it as a small matter, or no big deal when someone presents their opinions on the subject of religion and spirituality according to Christ and gets the gospel wrong? Should we be silent and cosign the sin of another? Should we obey the 11th commandment and just be nice? Or, a Jesus’ own brother charged,  should we fight strenuously for the defense of the faith which was once and for all handed down to the saints?

What is Truth?
The Bible is a complete body of truth. The faith was delivered “once,” not once upon a time, but once for all time. Sinners in the 21st century are like sinners in the 1st century, and salvation in the 21st century is the same salvation that the Apostle Paul preached in the 1st century. There are no new revelations. The faith of the church fathers is the same faith we proclaim today. But there are many who are eager to distract from this pure unchanged truth.

On rejecting the traditions of men
Saying you don’t follow the traditions of men as a spiritual manifesto sounds impressive to the unbeliever or those brand new in the faith. But let’s analyze this idea closely and see if makes any sense at all to reject the structure and fortress of God’s church as a tradition of men.

The context of 1 Timothy 15 says, “the church of the living God, [is] a pillar and buttress of the truth.” It does not mean that “the church” is infallible or saves anyone. In context, Paul is saying that the ekklesia—the assembly, the body of believers, “the church”—is the structure that holds up and carries forth the gospel to the world. Paul is not referring to “the church” as the source of truth or the creator of truth. He’s saying “the church” is what holds up and holds firm the truth in the world. Another way to understand it is that the church is the trustee of the Word of God in the world. We need this pillar of truth as Paul warns us plainly in Colossians 2:8 not to be swayed by carnal philosophies (Colossians 2:8), private interpretations, false teachers (2 Timothy 4:3), or any person who changes the gospel (Galatians 1:8). Rather than fall prey to false doctrine, we’re to compare teachers to the Word of God (Acts 17:11; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 Timothy 3:16; Romans 15:4). Where might we find the word of God preserved? It will be found taught faithfully to the believers by the faithful overseers, elders, and Pastors of God’s true and believing church. It will not be found in private interpretations and weekly Bible studies apart from the authority of God’s own body. 

It is the responsibility of “The church,” that is, the entire population of Christian believers, to be responsible for holding up the truth of the gospel. God doesn’t need us, but He has chosen to use us to edify one another. He grows His Kingdom through His people, through His church. The Holy Spirit here is calling on believers to care for the structure that “supports” or “props up” our message to the world. 

Often we hear, “The church is just traditions and we are to reject the traditions of men.” While it is true that clinging to tradition as if it were infallible can lead one into the error of the Pharisees who created many unnecessary rituals and traditions that were conflated with God’s commands. However, when we look at a common proof text used to justify avoiding the church as an unnecessary tradition of men, we learn valuable truths. Mark 7:13 says “you have made void the word of God by your tradition.” Also Mark 7:6-8, “And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ The word hypocrite here in the underlying inspired Greek text refers to “an actor” or “someone who wears a mask.” Someone more interested in promoting an image of piety and does not have a genuine love for service to God. reading your Bible, praying regularly, and attending church regularly is no proof of slavation, nor is it proof that one loves God. However, when God regenerates the heart of a sinner there will be visible changes: a true love for service to God, a genuine zeal to grow deeper in His Word, and a love for His church are signs of a new creature with a new heart. It is true that one of the pillars of legalism is taking a commandment or opinion of men and teaching or promoting it as a doctrine from God – to give man’s word the same weight as God’s word. But is attending church, and submitting to the teaching and authority of the church a commandment of men? What has God said about His church?

We have overwhelming historical and manuscript evidence to support trusting God’s believing Church to act as trustee of God’s word without rewriting the Bible, or creating new doctrines. God has established His church to preserve His word as well as edify His people. Just the same as we would trust a beloved family member or friend to go down to the pharmacy to pick up our prescription trusting that he will not change the prescription. If we can show that the Church is in possession of a definite body of static, dogmatic truth. If this truth can be demonstrated and found pure in the Bible then it seems arbitrary, and a very weak argument for anyone to assert that we must not trust the church or its traditions as its overseers who preserve God’s word through the tradition of training faithful men to shepherd the flock, and the word, and to guide us into a deeper knowledge of it.

Got Questions says on this matter, we should keep in mind that when the Bible speaks of God’s Word remaining forever, it cannot be referring to it being kept hidden away in some vault in heaven. God’s Word was given specifically for mankind, and it would not be fulfilling its purpose if it were not available to us. Romans 15:4 says, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Also note that a person cannot be saved apart from the gospel message (Romans 1:16-17), which is recorded in God’s Word (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Therefore, in order for the gospel message to be proclaimed “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47), the doctrines and truths of the Word must be protected. If Scripture were not supernaturally preserved, there would be no way to ensure the consistency of the message it contains.

Further, we can take note of the following verses that demonstrate God’s plan to preserve His Word. In Matthew 5:18, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” Here the law means God’s word, eventually the Bible we hold in our hands today. In this verse, Jesus declared that not even the smallest letter or mark would pass away until all is accomplished. He couldn’t make that promise unless He was sure that God would preserve His Word. Jesus also said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33). Jesus again affirms that God’s Word will not pass away. God’s Word will remain and accomplish that which God has planned. How has God chosen to preserve His word? Tradition. 

Our subject makes copious use of the Bible in her work. But, if her position on rejecting all the traditions of men is true, that all traditions are to be rejected, then the Bible she employs to prop up her claims and personal beliefs is of no value whatsoever. We have inherited the pure truth of the Living, Creator, God, our Judge, and Savior precisely because God has given it to us by way of tradition, via careful curation, and faithful ministry throughout the ages. Our duty is to honor God, honor His church, and transmit His truth to the coming generation. If we all chose to take up private, personal religious practice apart from all tradition if that were even possible, the truths of Scripture would be lost in fanciful ideas and seductive spiritual theories of the fallen mind of man.

Should we reject and despise all knowledge that comes to us by way of tradition? Should we reject the order of civilized society because we acquired it through processes of tradition? I see that our subject wears makeup in her videos. If we lived according to her doctrine we would reject her message for partaking in the tradition of augmenting one’s personal appearance. Our subject often relies on anecdotes and stories to get her point across. Should we reject her message because she has embraced the tradition of persuasive rhetoric? Our subject seems to understand the traditions of etiquette and norms such as making eye contact when speaking. Again, would she accept being disregarded because she made use of valuable traditions? Of course not. Neither should we undervalue the religious traditions that have been handed down to us through God’s believing church by way of orderly and reverent repetition.

In 2 timothy 3:6-7 Paul gives warning of the fanciful designs that would come and distract God’s people from His word. The spirit of the last days has a certain intelligence about it. Average people have now learned how to devise systems and methods to satisfy our desires and personal preferences that lead us away from pure truth. But, when we hold their systems and claims up to scrutiny by simply checking for contradictions in their spiritual opinions we always find that, for all their skill, for their artistry, convincing knowledge of minutiae, and for all their prestige, they never actually arrive at the truth. They are always seeking, never arriving, and the people, the viewers, do so love the endless hunt for the next big revelation.

According to the spirit of the last days, there is no truth outside of ourselves, so we can learn and learn and learn, but God’s eternal truth remains elusive to the heart in rebellion from God.

On her webpage, she writes: “My beliefs are my own, built on my personal relationship with Jesus.”
Jesus never said anything remotely close to “seek your own relationship with me apart from my body.” When one relies on their own heart, and their own personal reflections of the text of Scripture, error is guaranteed. This alleged relationship with Christ is not founded on what Jesus actually commanded of those who would follow Him.

Most offer, John 14, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” as the proof text for their relationship with Christ apart from His body. One theologian wrote, “Without the way there is no going; without the truth there is no knowing; without the life there is no living. I am the way which thou must follow; the truth in which thou must believe; the life for which thou must hope.”

Jesus made this remarkable statement, claiming that He was the only way to God. An exclusive way, truth, and life. The only pathway to God the Father, the true God in heaven. The father and the Son are one. He absolutely claimed there was only one road to God, and He Himself was that road. If it is all up to personal opinion, if we can determine what Jesus said or didn’t say on our own whims, then we should reject the Gospels completely. It really is an all-or-nothing deal. Either we take the words of Jesus as recorded by these historically reliable and accurate documents, or we reject them completely. John 1:1 tells us who Jesus is, the word, the logos, the revelation of truth in the flesh, that saves us and sanctifies us.

John 17:17, “Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And for their sakes, I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified by the truth.”

Jesus didn’t just leave the disciples to sanctify themselves in their own personal version of the faith. He prayed for their common sanctification. This process, as the keeping process, is not left to us alone; it is a work of God in us and through us. What is it that sanctifies us? Truth. Where is truth found? The truth that sanctifies is found in the word of God read, heard, understood, and applied. Charles Spurgeon said, “The more truth you believe, the more sanctified you will be. The operation of truth upon the mind is to separate a man from the world unto the service of God.” Where is that truth of which he speaks? It is God’s revealed word in the Scriptures and we are so blessed that God has preserved His word and His church for us until this day for our sanctification. To believe that one could guide herself into sanctification apart from the Church Christ has built and established with faithful men consecrated to form Christ’s body through edification, proclamation, comfort and discipline is to deny the very Savior she proclaims by name.   

You musty not rely on your own heart for such guidance. Jeremiah 17:9 warns us, “The heart (human intuition) is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; who can understand it?”

Now, all of the fascinating theories, personal insights, and very well-produced content would not be an issue for me, except that I am greatly jealous for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must protect that message and tool of salvation with our lives (Romans 1:16-17). Likewise, my attention shifts to high alert when anyone presumes to have their own special version of Christianity and presents God’s New Testament church, its traditions included, as deficient to their own higher form of private religion. 

In the section titled, “A Condensed Version of My Life” she writes,

“I accepted the truth of Jesus Christ, but I lacked role models or guidance in how to grow in my faith beyond simply accepting Him in my heart. I was still ‘in the world’. (John 17:14-16)”

I only knew about Jesus, but I didn’t know Him yet. 

After spending my time on things such as university, I was led to uncover some difficult realities about how corrupt Freemasonry in small towns can be. I gathered a lot of information, but I was still missing context.

While I was being shown many truths of the ‘dark side’, I was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle; the ‘light’ side, or, the side that misuses Jesus and His teachings and replaces them with the Mystic imposter religion of ‘Light’ and how the two sides (dark and light) work hand-in-hand.

I put God under the microscope and began asking the difficult questions.

The truth stands up to examination. God allowed me to ask the hard questions, and He proved He is the only source of truth in this world. All preconceived notions of who He was were gone and He began showing me what He wanted for me and my life.

God is not part of ‘religion’, He is the Truth.

I realized that churches, books, pastors, etc, can’t have a personal relationship with God for me.

My personal relationship with my Savior has given me the fulfillment and purpose I had been searching for my whole life.

My channel is a video diary of the research journey He has led me down. This is not a Bible channel, it is strictly about uncovering the lies of the devil and why Jesus is the truth. 

I’m still learning, and always growing in my faith. (John 3:30)

The underlying spiritual message presented in Probably Alexandra’s work is a version of the first Christain heresy known as Gnosticism. It is not a simple task to define Gnosticism and I do not throw the word around loosely. I will explain exactly what I mean so that there is no confusion. The term is derived from the Greek word gnosis, meaning “to know.” As for what that knowledge actually is, that is why it is difficult to define Gnosticism cleanly. But, basically, it places the highest emphasis on acquiring special, mystical knowledge as the means for salvation. Also, the pursuit of a private faith practice with occasional Bible studies where there is no leader, no undershepherd of Christ present who has been trained in the inspired text and to faithfully exegete the Scriptures for the flock, the error of private interpretation is guaranteed. You can see this plainly in Alexandra’s work whenever she attempts to make applications from Scripture. We don’t point this out to simply highlight flaws. We care about the souls of people seeking knowledge of God and we care about her eternal destination as well. We do not wish anyone to end up at the last day saying, Lord, Lord did we not do all these great works in your name? And then hear, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me.’

Jesus drew our attention to a coming day of judgment for all men. Charles Spurgeon said, “What is the chief object of your life? Will you think as much of it “in that day” as you do now? Will you then count yourself wise to have so earnestly pursued it? You fancy that you can defend it now, but will you be able to defend it then, when all things of earth and time will have melted into nothingness?” Have you considered this? Have you considered that your personal doctrine is in direct contradiction to the word of the God you profess to know? This is a life and death matter. Eternal life or death.

I am not implying that Alexandra affirms the doctrines of the early Gnostic cults, nor am I saying that she is promoting any specific religious system. I use the term Gnostic in reference to her work the same as I do with the vast majority of the YouTube, internet truth movement, which is to say that they present Christianity as enlightenment, or “waking up” to see the ways of the dirty world, that being indwelt with the Holy Spirit makes one able to see more of the world and the ways of the controllers, that salvation empowers a Christian to special knowledge and understanding of the darkness. They say, the Holy Spirit has given us eyes to see through the lies of the elites, and the ways of the devil. Is that what the Holy Spirit does? What is the Holy Spirt’s purpose for the Christian? Got Questions has a very good description of the Holy Spirit’s purpose:

He is the believers’ Helper (John 14:26). He indwells believers and seals them until the day of redemption—this indicates that the Holy Spirit’s presence in the believer is irreversible. He guards and guarantees the salvation of the ones He indwells (Ephesians 1:13; 4:30). The Holy Spirit assists believers in prayer (Jude 1:20) and “intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” (Romans 8:26–27).

The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews the believer (Titus 3:5). At the moment of salvation, the Spirit baptizes the believer spiritually into the Body of Christ (Romans 6:3). Believers receive the new birth by the power of the Spirit (John 3:5–8). The Spirit comforts believers with fellowship and joy as they go through a hostile world (1 Thessalonians 1:6; 2 Corinthians 13:14). The Spirit, in His mighty power, fills believers with “all joy and peace” as they trust the Lord, causing believers to “overflow with hope” (Romans 15:13).

Sanctification is another work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The Spirit sets Himself against the desires of the flesh and leads the believer into righteousness (Galatians 5:16–18). The works of the flesh become less evident, and the fruit of the Spirit becomes more evident (Galatians 5:19–26). Believers are commanded to “be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18), which means they are to yield themselves to the Spirit’s full control. This means you will know that your own personal private faith is useless, and not worthy unto salvation from God’s righteous wrath. This means that when you are truly converted you will leave behind your own ways of faith and throw yourself on the cross of Christ for remissions of sins.  

The Holy Spirit is also a gift-giver. “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them” (1 Corinthians 12:4). The spiritual gifts that believers possess are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines in His wisdom (verse 11).

This one is very important for our topic today: The Holy Spirit also does work among unbelievers. Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit to “convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8). The Spirit testifies of Christ (John 15:26), pointing people to the Lord. Currently, the Holy Spirit is also restraining sin and combatting “the secret power of lawlessness” in the world. This action keeps the rise of the Antichrist at bay (2 Thessalonians 2:6–10). God is restraining evil in this world. 

The Holy Spirit has one other important role, and that is to give believers wisdom by which we can understand God.  1 Corinthians 2:10–11, “The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” Since we have been given the amazing gift of God’s Spirit inside ourselves, we can comprehend the thoughts of God, as revealed in the Scripture. The Spirit helps us understand. This is wisdom from God, rather than wisdom from man. No amount of human knowledge can ever replace the Holy Spirit’s teaching (1 Corinthians 2:12–13). If one is truly indwelt with the Holy Spirit she will not reject the commands of God concerning His church, and the men he has called to lead it in this age of hostility. Today, it is more crucial than ever before to be in the safe harbor of God’s church and held accountable by His authority. Antinomianism is all the rage among private professors of Christ, and internet Christians these days. But to reject the law of God is to reject Jesus Christ.

In Acts 4:12, Peter didn’t only proclaim Jesus as a way of salvation, but as the only way of salvation. The spiritual content of PA’s message promotes a system of self-redemption. According to her testimony, God had to prove to her that He was real and true. Romans chapter 1 tells us that all know God exists and that He is righteous, yet most of us suppress that truth in unrighteousness, or we engage in idolatry by creating a version of God that meets our own needs or passes our own test under our own microscope. This is not the sovereign God revealed in Scripture who spoke the universe into existence and predestined vessels of honor and dishonor before the foundation of the earth.

She has an idol. She proclaims an idol. She claims that anyone who embraces God’s church and seeks to commune with fellow believers and grow God’s Kingdom according to His law and on His terms is under a “Spirit of religion.” This is yet another sign of a self-reliant personal religion in harmony with the spirit of the age that has a problem with the idea of “true truth” because it believes that we each are the center of our own universe and we each create our own truth.

She is knowingly and proudly encouraging her readers and viewers to disregard the believing church that God has faithfully preserved through the last 2000 years that serves as a refuge for His people in a world that is hostile to God’s people. She knowingly and proudly encourages viewers to not submit themselves to the authority of men who have been called and trained by God’s Holy Spirit to be the undershepherds of Christ in this age of the church. These are the men who shape the body of Christ, their responsibility is the highest calling in the world. God has preserved a remnant of believers and has trained men to care for them, teach them, to guide them through all the stages of their lives – to serve them and rejoice with them during the good times of their lives, and to comfort them in the sad or tragic times of their lives; but also to hold God’s people accountable before God and according to His eternal word of truth. Without accountability and discipline, there is no sanctification.

I only comment on her work because our ministry is called to defend God’s word and church against all cultural trends and diversions, and to proclaim the gospel in a world hostile to the things of God, and Alexandra has made many claims about Christianity, God’s church, and the Word of God that are dangerously errant and cause far more harm than good.

Let us all pray for her, and all of those who have come under her influence, that God would sovereignly open their eyes to this weak faith of the flesh that has no power to save anyone from the wrath of a just and holy God who will demand an account of every word spoken in His name. The Holy Spirit warns us through James that anyone claiming to be a teacher or placing themselves in a position of authority will be held to a higher level of condemnation for their error. May her heart be transformed by the renewing of her mind so that she would show proof of the fruits of the Holy Spirit according to God’s perfect will, and may her gifts be transformed into spiritual fruits for the good of God’s kingdom. May God have mercy on us all for the rebellious generation we are. Amen

Soli Deo Gloria

Watch Armor of Truth’s YouTube video “Is the Truth Movement Built On Masonic False History? with Dr. Tony Costa:

Watch Armor of Truth’s YouTube video “Waking Up” Is Not Salvation

Also, an essential read, “The Dangers of Syncretism and Idolatry” by Scott Aniol

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